About Us

Jaw Jaw Atela is the hometown of founder Bele. Part of his mother’s side of the family lived here for many years. After moving to the city, the village grew dense and was left neglected. In his teens, Bele left for the Netherlands where he studied and lived in Europe for more than 20 years. Yet all this time he had one dream: to return to his native village. A few years ago, the idea was born to reopen the village and turn it into a holiday resort. We started small, with a few huts, but we are still expanding our stay every day.
Paradise On Earth
‘Jaw Jaw on land’ is the literal meaning of Jaw Jaw Atela. While most holiday resorts in Upper Suriname are on the banks of rivers, the resort Jaw Jaw Atela is in the middle of the village. This makes it a truly unique holiday resort amidst the locals. This idea came about after we discovered that most foreign tourists are not necessarily looking for a luxury holiday in the interior. Instead, they want to get to know the real life of the locals, and with their lives; so-called off-grid living.
Whereas some tourists just want to swim in the rivers and chill in a hammock, our concept is really based on living among and with the locals. Eat locally, spend the day together and undertake activities; truly local living and back to basics. Because sometimes it’s the little things in life that provide a moment of happiness.

Who are we?